ClickUp Clips

Instantly share screen recordings with Clips

Eliminate endless comment threads and confusion.
Use Clips to record a video and share your ideas clearly.

Why Clips?

Clips are the easiest way to communicate

Clips aren’t just screen recordings. They’re a fundamentally faster way to work and communicate because they’re embedded everywhere you already work.

Create in convos

Use Clips to communicate clearly in any conversation

Clips make collaborating a breeze. Instead of typing, just click the video icon and share your thoughts clearly to move any conversation forward.

Create in convos

Transcribe with AI

Automatically transcribe every Clip with ClickUp AI

Every Clip is automatically transcribed with AI so you can scan Clip highlights, click timestamps to jump around the video, and copy snippets to use wherever you need.

Transcribe with AI

Share in one click

Share Clips with anyone using a public link or video file

Sharing Clips is incredibly flexible. You can embed a Clip in ClickUp, share a public link, or download the actual video file to do with what you please!

Share in one click

Add comments

Comment on Clips to give feedback within the video

Click anywhere in a Clip to add a comment and start a conversation. ClickUp shows the timeline of all comments on the video so you can replay any section in one click.

Add comments

Clips into tasks

Turn Clips into tasks to take action on the ideas you share

Embed any Clip in the description of a task, add assignees, and move the task to any List, Folder, or Space where you’re already doing your work.

Turn Clips to tasks

Search with Brain

Search the knowledge in any Clip with ClickUp Brain

Ask AI any question and ClickUp Brain will search your Clip transcripts to answer, instantly unlocking knowledge buried in Clip videos for your entire company.

Search with Brain

See in Clips Hub

Manage everything in one place with Clips Hub

Clips Hub keeps you organized. Every Clip you record in a comment, Task, or Doc in ClickUp is automatically added to your Clips Hub. You can search, sort, and visualize your hub however you want so you never lose track of a Clip you create.

Manage in Clips Hub
Supercharge your productivity

Everything you need to stay
organized and get work done.

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