In a world where remote work and digital communication have become commonplace, creating a sense of unity and camaraderie among team members has never been more crucial. Team building activities are essential tools that can help bridge gaps, bolster communication, and enhance collaboration within any workplace.
As teams continue to evolve and adapt to new challenges, finding innovative and engaging team building exercises will be key to maintaining a vibrant, productive, and harmonious work environment. Whether your team is fully remote, hybrid, or office-based, these fun team building activities are designed to suit diverse team dynamics, fostering stronger relationships and a more cohesive team spirit.
- Benefits of Team Building Activities at Work
- Types of Team Building Exercises
- 50 Effective Team Building Exercises for Work
- 1. Two Truths and a Lie
- 2. What’s My Name
- 3. Building a Storyline
- 4. Form the Order
- 5. Show and Tell
- 6. Life’s Best Moments
- 7. Survivor
- 8. Game of Possibilities
- 9. The Common Factor
- 10. A Team-Made Puzzle
- 11. Simulated Problems
- 12. A Scavenger Hunt
- 13. Pencil Precision
- 14. Human Knot
- 15. A Look at the Future
- 16. Guess Who?
- 17. Frostbite
- 18. All Tied Up
- 19. Blind Drawing
- 20. Seemingly Nothing in Common
- 21. River Crossing
- 22. Perfect Vacation
- 23. Sculpture Peek
- 24. Electric Fence
- 25. Team Jigsaw
- 26. Build Bridges, Not Walls
- 27. Code Of Conduct
- 28. Marshmallow Challenge
- 29. Company Outing
- 30. Virtual game show
- 31. Virtual happy hour
- 32. Pictionary
- 33. A peek into each other’s homes
- 34. Virtual escape room
- 35. Virtual Book Club
- 36. Remote Lunch and Learn
- 37. Virtual Coffee Breaks
- 38. DIY Craft Challenge
- 39. Online Fitness Challenge
- 40. Digital Idea Box
- 41. Virtual Cooking Class
- 42. Sustainability Week
- 43. Trivia Night
- 44. Talent Show
- 45. Photo Contest
- 46. Global Virtual Office Tour
- 47. ‘How I Work’ Webinar
- 48. Language Exchange
- 49. Virtual Reality Team Building Exercise
- 50. “My Project” Team Member Presentation
Benefits of Team Building Activities at Work
Team building activities are not just about having fun and breaking the monotony of work. They provide numerous benefits that can positively impact a team’s performance and overall workplace culture. Some of the key benefits include:
- Improved communication: Through team building activities, team members get to know each other on a personal level, leading to better communication and understanding among colleagues.
- Enhanced collaboration: By fostering a sense of unity and trust, team building activities can improve collaboration within teams, leading to more efficient and effective teamwork.
- Increased productivity: When team members are engaged and motivated, they are more likely to be productive. Team building activities help create a positive work environment that promotes productivity.
- Boosted morale: Team building activities can boost employee morale by providing a break from the daily routine, promoting a sense of belonging and appreciation within the team.
- Improved problem-solving skills: Many team building activities involve problem-solving challenges that require teamwork and critical thinking. These exercises can help develop valuable skills that can be applied in the workplace.
Use ClickUp’s Team Docs Template to revolutionize how team building activities and other team-related processes are managed. This customizable template serves as an adaptable foundation tailored to suit the unique requirements of any team.
Types of Team Building Exercises
Team building activities can be broadly classified into three categories: communication, problem-solving, and trust-building exercises. Each type serves a different purpose and has its own benefits. Here are some examples of team building activities in each category:
- Communication activities: These exercises focus on improving communication skills within the team, such as active listening, effective feedback, and non-verbal communication. Examples include “Two Truths and a Lie”, “Back-to-Back Drawing”, and “Chain Reaction”.
- Problem-solving activities: These activities aim to improve critical thinking, decision-making, and problem-solving skills. Examples include “Escape Room” challenges, “Scavenger Hunts”, and “Building Bridges”.
- Trust-building activities: These exercises promote trust, teamwork, and collaboration within the team. Examples include “Blindfolded Obstacle Course”, “Trust Falls”, and “Human Knot”.
- Ice-breaker activities: These simple, fun games are perfect for breaking the ice and getting team members to know each other in a light-hearted way. Examples include “Two Truths and a Lie”, “Never Have I Ever”, and “Mingle Bingo”.
50 Effective Team Building Exercises for Work
To foster a stronger, more connected team, here’s a curated list of 50 effective team building activities specifically designed for work environments. These activities are tailored to enhance communication, solve problems creatively, build trust among team members, and break the ice in fun and engaging ways.
Whether you’re looking to reinforce existing bonds or integrate new members into the fold, these exercises offer versatile options for all types of teams. These activities will create a more cohesive, empowered, and dynamic workplace.
1. Two Truths and a Lie
Time: 15–30 minutes
Group size: 4–6
Objective: Build affinity
In this game, team members get to act as human lie detectors!
Start off by letting each person tell two truths and one fabricated statement about themselves in a random sequence.
Then ask other team members to figure out which are the truths and what’s the lie. The speaker can then reveal which fact is indeed false.
2. What’s My Name
Time: 15–20 minutes
Group size: <20
Objective: Build rapport
Get your team to sit in a circle and take turns saying their names.
Next, throw a tennis ball at one person. They must toss the ball to another teammate while saying his or her name. 🎾
To ramp up the challenge, create a rule that members can’t throw the ball to the same person twice in a row.
3. Building a Storyline
Time: 30 minutes
Group size: Varies
Objective: Listening, collaboration, teamwork
For this icebreaker team building activity, arrange the participants in a circle.
One team member starts narrating a story but stops with an incomplete sentence such as, “John was excited. On his first day as a professional artist, he wanted to …” The next person finishes the sentence and adds another incomplete sentence.
For example, “Marshall experienced a spark of creativity and decided to …” This continues until the last member in the circle is reached, and an entirely coherent story has been formed.
This experience ensures that the entire group listens to one another and remains engaged in the activity, leading to better collaboration and improved listening skills.
You’ll quickly discover that listening is crucial to business growth!
For more challenge and extra creative thinking, throw in random words that people must include in the story.
Bonus: Best Buddy Movies for Teamwork
4. Form the Order
Time: 20 minutes
Group size: <20
Objective: Communication, collaboration
Instruct members to line themselves up based on specific criteria such as age, height, birthday, or shoe size.
The challenge?
All teamwork and communication needed to organize themselves must be conducted through non-verbal communication.
As people move around the room to complete the task, you will see the emergence of natural leaders and innovative communication means.
5. Show and Tell
Time: 30–60 minutes
Group size: 10–15
Objective: Build trust
This icebreaker works fantastically for remote workers.
Ask every team member to share something they love with the rest of the team.
It could be a hobby, an award, a pet, or something completely unexpected.
Give each team member one minute to show and talk about their special something and then allow others to ask questions.
Remember, the objective here is to build trust by sharing personal information.
6. Life’s Best Moments
Time: 30–45 minutes
Group size: 15–20
Objective: Build rapport, trust
This team building activity requires participants to move out of their comfort zones.
- Instruct your team to spend a few minutes contemplating the best moments of their lives.
- Then ask them to decide which 30 seconds of their life they would relive again if they had the chance.
- Now, ask each team member to share their memory out loud.
If you are a senior team member running the activity, do share your own memory too.
Your participation goes a long way towards breaking down barriers between levels and creating more trust.
This activity is excellent for pulling members out of their comfort zones and creating meaningful working relationships.
7. Survivor
Time: 30 minutes
Group size: 4–6
Objective: Problem solving, collaboration, creativity
In this fun activity, give your team a fictional emergency scenario, such as being stranded on a desert island or in the middle of the Arctic.
Your employees will have to choose items that they’ll take with them to survive.
Here’s how to set it up:
- Give them an imaginary list of ten items, of which they can choose five. Include items such as a handful of seeds, a small pocket knife, a sword from the 1700s, 200 feet of cloth string or rope, a bedsheet, a two-liter bucket, one-liter of kerosene, a flint spark lighter, and so on.
- Divide the team into groups and have them collaborate on which items they will choose to survive.
- Then have them present their decisions to the entire group and have everyone decide on which team’s strategy is the best.
8. Game of Possibilities
Time: 10 minutes
Group size: 4–6
Objective: Problem-solving, communication, creativity
Give an object to each small group. Participants must take turns acting out a unique use of that object, and teammates have to guess what that use is.
For example, using chopsticks as knitting needles. 🥢
Let the innovation and creative thinking begin!
9. The Common Factor
Time: 5 minutes
Group size: 4–6
Objective: Build rapport, overcome bias
In this quick team building activity, instruct each group to find one thing they all have in common.
For example, one group discovers that they all love hiking.
Instruct the group of people to take on a hiker stereotype for the rest of the meeting.
Maybe throughout the meeting, those members will use terms like “natural,” “peaceful,” or “rad” to identify with the stereotype.
At the end of the meeting, discuss how stereotyping and passing judgment on a person’s qualities and preferences is ridiculous and blinding.
To take it a step further, have each person end with one quality about themselves that typically lies outside of the stereotype of the common quality.
Maybe one of the hikers loves designer handbags and shoes!
10. A Team-Made Puzzle
Time: 20 minutes
Group size: 8
Objective: Collaboration
Print out an image and then cut it into eight perfect squares.
Give each member of the group a square and a full-sized square sheet of paper. Instruct them to draw their pieces at scale.
In the end, all participants will put their puzzle pieces together to identify the picture.
This activity aims to demonstrate how each member contributes to the larger picture.
Psst… the pun was definitely intended.
11. Simulated Problems
Time: 45–60 minutes
Group size: 4–6
Objective: Collaboration, problem solving
This fun game requires some creative problem solving.
Give members a fictional problem that relates to work.
For example, if you manage a marketing team, create a scenario that the company has released a marketing campaign that many people found to be distasteful and discriminatory.
Instruct them to brainstorm ideas and create a work plan for a public apology and strategies for moving forward.
What will future ads contain?
How will your people work to gain back the company’s good reputation and credibility?
Problem solving activities allow members to recognize mistakes before they take place in real life.
They also enable companies to put processes in place to deal with such scenarios if they actually happen.
12. A Scavenger Hunt
Time: > 60 minutes
Group size: 4–6
Objective: Collaboration, problem solving, build rapport
A scavenger hunt is a classic event but can take a decent amount of time.
It’s also the perfect time for your employees to channel their inner detectives! 🎩
Use your creativity to organize a list of clues and even trivia questions that lead team members to different items/locations. 🔎
If the company is located in Chicago, for example, Cloud Gate (or as most people know it: the giant bean statue) can be described on the list as the “place where people go to look at their curvy reflections.
Instruct participants to get a team photo at each location. The first team to return with the proof/items wins.
Outdoor activities can be a fun way to let team members engage with each other outside of the workplace.
Note: A scavenger hunt can also be an organized team event indoors around the office.
13. Pencil Precision
Time: 20 minutes
Group size: 2
Objective: Collaboration, build rapport
Tie the ends of two long pieces of string or thin rope around the eraser-side of a pencil.
Then instruct pairs of teammates to tie the other end of the pieces around their waists.
Each team must stand back to back and work together to lower the pencil into an empty water bottle between them.
The first pair to complete this goal wins.
14. Human Knot
Time: 20 minutes
Group size: 8–15
Objective: Collaboration, building rapport, problem-solving, communication
Instruct participants to stand in a circle facing one another, shoulder to shoulder.
Have each member reach out with one hand and grab the hand of someone across the circle.
Repeat this with the other hand. Set a time limit and instruct the team to un-knot themselves without releasing their hands.
15. A Look at the Future
Time: 10 minutes
Group size: 4–6
Objective: Collaboration, build a vision
This game is all about embracing the future.
First, hand out newspapers to each small group and instruct them to mark down 10 fictional headlines of what the company will be doing in the future.
Then, allow each group to share their headlines aloud.
This team building activity helps teams contemplate long-term goals and establish a common goal amongst team members.
This experience is also great for analyzing where each team member sees the company going.
16. Guess Who?
Time: 15 minutes
Group size: 5–10
Objective: Problem solving, communication
Keep masking tape or post-it notes on hand for this activity.
Write a series of names on sheets of paper or sticky notes, such as celebrities or historical figures.
Then, arrange the groups into circles.
Each employee must tape one of the names to their forehead without looking at it.
Participants will then go around the circle asking questions to find out clues of who they are.
Only “yes” or “no” questions are allowed. If someone gets a “yes,” they are allowed another question.
17. Frostbite
Time: 30–60 minutes
Group size: 4–6
Objective: Communication, collaboration, problem solving, build trust
This activity needs each group to leave their comfort zone.
Gather the materials needed for this problem solving activity, such as building blocks, chairs, blindfolds, and sheets.
Instruct groups to imagine that they are stranded in the Arctic. The objective is to elect a leader to build a shelter to survive.
The challenge?
The team leader has suffered from frostbite and therefore is unable to build the shelter.
The second challenge?
The other team members have been blinded by the snow and are wearing blindfolds.
The team leader must give verbal instructions to their blind team members on how to build the shelter.
18. All Tied Up
Time: 10 minutes
Group size: 2–4
Objective: Collaboration, communication, problem-solving
Ready for some hands-on learning? 😉
Instruct pairs or small groups to stand in a tight circle facing one another.
Use string or rope to tie their hands together.
Teams must then accomplish a goal while tied together, such as completing a board game or jigsaw puzzle, making a sandwich, tying each of their shoes, acting out charades, or racing other teams across a finish line.
19. Blind Drawing
Time: 10–15 minutes
Group size: 2
Objective: Build trust, communication, collaboration
Instruct pairs to sit back to back.
One team member will have a pencil and a piece of paper, and the other will have an object or picture.
The team member with the picture/object must instruct their teammate to draw what’s in their hands without saying what it is.
They can describe its properties, color, etc. but not precisely state what the object is.
Such a team building event will push participants to trust and listen to one another.
20. Seemingly Nothing in Common
Time: 10 minutes
Group size: 4–6
Objective: Collaboration, problem-solving
For this fun team building activity, lay out a series of random objects with seemingly nothing in common.
Then, ask each small team to pile the objects into categories.
Have each group write down their answers. Once the time limit is over, each group will share their categories aloud and explain why they grouped them this way.
Perhaps your team will see that they have things in common as well. 😉
21. River Crossing
Time: 15–30 minutes
Group size: 10–20
Objective: Collaboration, communication, building trust, problem-solving
This team building event is great for identifying your team’s strengths and weaknesses.
Demarcate an area in your conference room or on the lawn (if outdoors) to be the river.
This could be done by placing two long carpets head to head or putting paper sheets or rope to mark the river’s beginning and end.
Instruct your teams that this river is full of toxic waste, and they need to cross without touching the ‘water’ with hands or feet.
Provide cardboard squares as footholds that can be placed on the ‘river’ to cross.
These cardboard squares can be moved as a person goes across the river. (Ensure that all the cardboard squares put head to head do not cover the entire length of the river).
If anyone in the team ‘falls’ into the river, for example, losing balance when trying to place your foot on the cardboard square, the entire team has to start over.
The goal is not only to cross the river safely but also to assist your teammates in crossing.
22. Perfect Vacation
Time: 10–20 minutes
Group size: 2
Objective: Listening
This exercise is all about your employees’ listening skills.
Here’s how to do it:
1. Group members into pairs
2. Each person in a pair reveals to their partner what their ideal vacation would be (if time and money were no constraints) 🏖
3. After each pair has exchanged their plans, the other person must describe their partner’s trip as best they can
23. Sculpture Peek
Time: 30 minutes
Group size: 4–6
Objective: Communication, problem-solving, strategy
This hands-on learning activity will require a large bucket of Lego building blocks or Jenga blocks.
Start by building a model using the Lego blocks and hide it from the group.
Then allow one team leader from each group to sneak a 10-second look at it.
Next, the team leader must relay what they have seen to their teammates to build the free-standing structure based on memory.
After about one minute of trying to recreate the model, ask another member to come up for a “sneak peek” before going back to their team and telling them how to recreate the sculpture.
The goal?
The first team to achieve an exact replica wins.
As this is a memory team activity, your team will also create some fantastic memories while playing it!
24. Electric Fence
Time: 20 minutes
Group size: 10–15
Objective: Collaboration, communication, building trust, problem-solving, building rapport
In this experiential team building event, create a waist-high ‘electric fence.’
You can do this by tying a string between two chairs kept at a distance from each other.
Each team member must cross the fence without touching it.
Easy, right?
Well, not exactly.
Participants must be touching one team member with a hand at all times and cannot go under the fence. This includes the rest of the team on either side of the fence.
Fun activities and building events like this lead to a great combination of teamwork skills!
25. Team Jigsaw
Time: 30 minutes
Group size: 8–20
Objective: Team collaboration, problem solving, communication
This game’s a simple one.
A team of 8–20 people (divided into two teams) has to complete a jigsaw puzzle within a specific timeframe.
So, what’s the catch?
Well, let’s just say there are some missing pieces to this puzzle.
Both teams will soon realize that they have a few pieces of a different jigsaw puzzle and that the opposing team has the pieces they need!
Both teams have to communicate clearly with each other to solve the problem.
Team members also have to be patient since they can only exchange one puzzle piece at a time.
To make this game even more difficult, you can keep the two teams in different rooms.
26. Build Bridges, Not Walls
Time: 60 minutes
Group size: 8–20
Objective: Creative thinking, communication, collaboration, problem solving
This building activity is about collaboration and architecture!
Two teams must build separate halves of a bridge using the material they are given. Once their halves are done, they’ll have to figure out how to make the halves fit.
Here’s how to set it up:
1. Divide the participants into two even teams
2. Collect materials that can be used to build a bride (straws, lego, cardboard, and other materials to build with)
3. Make sure that both teams are far away from each other
4. Teams can exchange ideas about their bridges but can’t see what each team is building
5. Give each team 10 minutes to come up with a concept design
6. Give teams 30 minutes to build the bridge
7. Ask both teams to try to combine their bridges with the remaining time
While your employees build a bridge, they’ll also break down the walls between them, hence the name of the game.😉
Additionally, this building activity is similar to the real work environment since teams need to ensure that their projects and team goals align with the bigger picture.
27. Code Of Conduct
Time: 30+ minutes
Group size: 10–30
Objective: Build mutual trust, establish group values
This activity helps teams communicate their values by listing what matters most to them on a whiteboard.
It’s a great team building activity to have before the start of a workshop.
Here’s how to set it up:
1. Write down ‘Meaningful and “Pleasant” on a digital whiteboard
2. Ask everyone what they think would make the workshop meaningful and pleasant.
3. Ask everyone to write their ideas on post-it notes
4. Collate everyone’s opinions on a mind map.
5. Make sure every participant understands the idea. If they don’t, then you need to change the idea until you reach a consensus
6. Once everyone agrees on the ideas, those ideas will make up the code of conduct for the group throughout the workshop
The agreed-upon values will help the workshop run smoothly.
28. Marshmallow Challenge
Time: 18–30 minutes
Group size: 2–40+
Objective: Communication, team collaboration, problem solving
This team building activity requires teams to use 20 spaghetti sticks, one meter of tape, one meter of string, and… yes, you guessed it; one marshmallow.
Teams must build the tallest free-standing structure within the time limit using the above materials with the marshmallow on top.
The Marshmallow challenge also encourages teams to communicate effectively; while leaving room for innovation and creativity.
It also teaches teams about risk management and assessment, which is applicable in the real work environment.
29. Company Outing
Time: > 60 minutes
Group size: Entire team
Objective: Communication, building rapport
Though this event is the most expensive team building event, it makes the entire team feel extremely valued.
This is a fantastic corporate team building exercise and works best if you have people in different departments who do not interact daily.
The idea is to invite the entire team to an exciting event like a cooking class or even karaoke!
It could also be a fun outing experience that involves a golf game and allows for some relaxation.
Engaging with each other outside of the workplace can also make team members feel relaxed and at ease.
This helps them to open up and bond naturally.
This is a fantastic team building event for large groups and small groups alike.
The best part?
You can use this team building program as an opportunity for a lunch-and-learn!
Employee training out of the conference room can be both a useful and fun experience!
30. Virtual game show
Time: 60 minutes
Group size: 4–500
Objective: Problem solving, creative thinking, and teamwork
Virtual game shows are a fun way to energize your remote team.
Many websites offer different versions of this virtual team building game. They’ll even provide your virtual team with a game host and organize your Zoom meeting for you.
There are also tons of fun games to play:
- Multiple Choice
- Survey Says
- Team Face-Off
- Spin and Solve
- Match Up Wars
These virtual team building game shows are designed to give your remote team the classic game show experience.
31. Virtual happy hour
Time: 60 minutes+
Group size: Entire team
Objective: Improve relationships
Use team building apps to hold a virtual happy hour!
The point of virtual happy hour is to strengthen virtual team relationships and get to know each team member better.
You can also include fun games to strengthen the team bond.
32. Pictionary
Time: 30 minutes
Group size: 6+
Objective: Creative thinking, team collaboration
This virtual team building game requires a digital whiteboard that every employee can use simultaneously, for example, ClickUp’s Whiteboard or the whiteboard feature in Zoom.
You’ll also need to select a facilitator to be the scorekeeper and timekeeper.
The facilitator should also think of a way to select a team to go first.
Here’s how to set it up:
1. Download a random word generator
2. Create two teams
3. Have each team select a drawer
4. The drawer has to draw pictures that the random word generator selects (in 60 seconds)
3. The team that guesses correctly first gets the point
4. The team that guessed correctly gets to go next
Got some introverts in your team?
Pictionary is an excellent team building activity that encourages every teammate to participate. This way, even the most introverted remote workers feel comfortable playing!
33. A peek into each other’s homes
Time: 20–30minutes
Group size: 4+
Objective: Build rapport, enhance team relationships
Yep, that’s right.
In this virtual team building activity, you get to welcome your virtual team to your crib!
You can take a short video of your home and list some of your favorite things about it, and then share the video on your screen on Zoom.
Or you can do it live over any video conferencing collaboration tool.
This can be a weekly event where one team member shows off their home.
This activity is a fun way to learn more about your teammates!
34. Virtual escape room
Time: 60 minutes
Group size: 4+
Objective: Problem solving, team collaboration, creative thinking
There are sites like The Escape Game that offer virtual escape rooms for remote workers.
All you need are a video conferencing tool and a digital dashboard to play.
Here’s how it works:
1. There will be a live camera feed
2. Your team will have a game host who will provide information and instructions
3. Your team will also have a game guide who will be your eyes, ears, hands, and feet in the room
4. Your team can direct the game guide to find clues
5. Keep your clues and progress organized in your digital whiteboard
The point of this team building activity is to help teams open doors to improved teamwork.🚪
Looking for more virtual activities? Here is a list of 40 more virtual team building ideas for your remote team.
35. Virtual Book Club
Time: 60 minutes
Group size: Any
Objective: Foster a culture of learning, improve communication
Organize a virtual book club where team members can discuss a book they’ve all read over the past month. This encourages not just camaraderie but also stimulates intellectual conversation and debate. Choose books that are relevant to your industry, or go for something entirely different to give everyone a break from work-related topics.
36. Remote Lunch and Learn
Time: 45–60 minutes
Group size: Any
Objective: Knowledge sharing, team bonding
Host monthly “Lunch and Learn” sessions where team members take turns presenting on topics they’re passionate about. This not only fosters a learning environment but also allows team members to share more about themselves, strengthening their bonds.
37. Virtual Coffee Breaks
Time: 15–30 minutes
Group size: 2–10
Objective: Reduce isolation, build rapport
Set up virtual coffee breaks where smaller groups of team members can get together for informal chats about anything but work. This can help break down silos between departments, help new team members get to know the team, and foster new friendships within the company.
38. DIY Craft Challenge
Time: 1 week (show and tell at the end)
Group size: Any
Objective: Creativity, relieving stress
Challenge team members to create something with their hands (painting, knitting, model building, etc.) over the week, to be presented during a group video call. This team building exercise helps stimulate creativity and offers a relaxing break from work.
39. Online Fitness Challenge
Time: 30 days
Group size: Any
Objective: Health and wellness, motivation
Promote health and wellness within your team by starting a 30-day fitness challenge. Participants can choose their workout and share their progress. This team building exercise encourages a healthy lifestyle and also adds a layer of camaraderie as team members motivate each other.
40. Digital Idea Box
Time: Ongoing
Group size: Any
Objective: Innovation, employee engagement
Create a digital suggestion box where team members can submit ideas for improving the workplace, brainstorm product innovations, or suggest new team-building activities. Review these suggestions regularly to foster a culture of innovation and make your team feel valued.
41. Virtual Cooking Class
Time: 1–2 hours
Group size: Any
Objective: Cultural exchange, learning new skills
For remote teams, hire a chef to teach your team how to cook a dish virtually. Opt for cuisines from different cultures to make it an educational experience that also serves as a delicious team-building activity.
42. Sustainability Week
Time: 1 week
Group size: Any
Objective: Awareness of environmental issues, team bonding
Organize a week focusing on sustainability where team members can share tips on living more environmentally friendly, participate in challenges to reduce their carbon footprint, and learn about global sustainability efforts.
43. Trivia Night
Time: 1–2 hours
Group size: Any
Objective: Fun, team spirit
Host a virtual trivia night with questions ranging from general knowledge to company-specific topics. This is a great way to unwind and foster a sense of team spirit as everyone competes in a friendly atmosphere.
44. Talent Show
Time: 2–3 hours
Group size: Any
Objective: Entertainment, showcase diverse talents
Arrange a virtual talent show where team members can showcase their talents outside of work. This could be anything from singing to stand-up comedy, offering a platform for employees to express themselves and bond with their colleagues.
45. Photo Contest
Time: 1 month
Group size: Any
Objective: Creativity, sharing personal interests
Hold a month-long photography contest with different themes each week (e.g., nature, pets, hobbies). This is a fun way for team members to share bits of their life outside work and appreciate each other’s creativity.
46. Global Virtual Office Tour
Time: 1–2 hours
Group size: Any
Objective: Cultural appreciation, team bonding
If your team is spread out across the globe, have members give a virtual tour of their local office or home workspace. This helps build understanding and appreciation for different cultures and work environments.
47. ‘How I Work’ Webinar
Time: 1 hour
Group size: Any
Objective: Sharing best practices, improving workflow
Allow team members to host webinars on their work process, tools they use, and tips on staying productive. This peer-to-peer learning experience can help uncover useful insights and improve team efficiency.
48. Language Exchange
Time: Ongoing
Group size: Pairs
Objective: Cultural exchange, personal development
Pair up team members who want to learn each other’s languages. This fosters a unique cultural exchange and allows employees to develop new skills that could benefit their professional and personal lives.
49. Virtual Reality Team Building Exercise
Time: 1–2 hours
Group size: Any
Objective: Exploration of new technologies, team bonding
Explore the potential of virtual reality by organizing a session where teammates can enter a VR space for meetings or team-building games. This futuristic approach adds an exciting twist to conventional team activities.
50. “My Project” Team Member Presentation
Time: 1–2 hours
Group size: Any
Objective: Knowledge sharing, showcasing individual contributions
Encourage team members to present a project they’re working on or have completed. This allows everyone to learn about different aspects of the business and appreciate the contributions of their colleagues.
Let’s Get Team Building!
There are tons of other team building activities that you could choose from, like the egg drop, the barter puzzle, company treasure hunts, and office trivia.
The ones listed here are just a few of our favorites. We use them regularly to boost employee morale and bond with our teammates.
Once you have completed a couple of team building activities, consider creating a memory wall at work of photos and memories from your team’s experiential learning process.
In doing so, you will improve the company culture, and teams are reminded of their progress!
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