Spend more time on what matters.
ClickUp makes it easy to automate your routine tasks. Use pre-built Automations or customize them based on your needs, so your team can focus where it matters most.

Save time and focus on what matters with ClickUp Automations. Select from 100+ Automations to streamline workflows, routine tasks, project handoffs, and more.
Trusted by 2 million+ teams
ClickUp makes it easy to automate your routine tasks. Use pre-built Automations or customize them based on your needs, so your team can focus where it matters most.
Create new tasks and implement clear SOPs across your team without breaking a sweat. Automatically assign tasks, post comments, move statuses, and more with hundreds of possibilities.
Keep work moving by automatically changing assignees and priorities or applying tags and templates to status changes.
Assign teammates to a task when statuses change, tags are added, or priorities shift.
Automatically update task statuses, assignees, tags, and more when a priority changes, or create a new task.
Set actions to take place when a due date arrives, from changing assignees and statuses to creating applying templates and creating tasks.
When a task is a created, automatically change the status, assignee, tags, priorities, apply a template, and more.
Make automatic updates to your work when it moves to a new location, from swapping assignees to adding new tags or a template.
Create any number of custom automations that save time and make your day-to-day easier based on any trigger and condition.
Keep work moving by automatically changing assignees and priorities or applying tags and templates to status changes.
Assign teammates to a task when statuses change, tags are added, or priorities shift.
Automatically update task statuses, assignees, tags, and more when a priority changes, or create a new task.
Set actions to take place when a due date arrives, from changing assignees and statuses to creating applying templates and creating tasks.
When a task is a created, automatically change the status, assignee, tags, priorities, apply a template, and more.
Make automatic updates to your work when it moves to a new location, from swapping assignees to adding new tags or a template.
Create any number of custom automations that save time and make your day-to-day easier based on any trigger and condition.
ClickUp Automations work with external apps to bring everything into a single, shared workflow, with more integrations releasing every month.
Decide which action occurs when an Automation is triggered, from changing statuses to creating new tasks, to save your time from manual processes.
Specify the exact event that triggers an Automation action, from status updates to due dates, so your process starts exactly when you want it to.
Set the exact conditions for your automation to to trigger, from specific assignees to custom fields, so your Automation works exactly the way you want it to.
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