compare ClickUp gives teams more tools to get work done.Get hundreds of powerful work tools that can be customized for any need. Create Docs and wikis, automate routine tasks, and keep your team aligned to hit goals big and small. | Notion paid | free |
Clip Screen Capture | Not included. | Included. |
Live Doc Collaboration | Included. | Included. |
Doc & Task Relationships | Included. | Included. |
Doc Hierarchy | Included. | Included. |
Archivable Docs | Not included. | Included. |
Personal Notepad | Not included. | Included. |
Assigned Comments | Not included. | Included. |
Dashboards | Not included. | Included. |
Tasks in Multiple Lists | Not included. | Included. |
Goals & OKRs | Not included. | Included. |
Dynamic Recurring Tasks | Not included. | Included. |
Email in ClickUp | Not included. | Included. |
Conditional Automations | Not included. | Included. |
Recurring Reminders | Not included. | Included. |
Time Tracking & Estimates | Not included. | Included. |
Gantt Charts | Not included. | Included. |
Real-time Chat | Not included. | Included. |
Workload Views | Not included. | Included. |
Mind Maps | Not included. | Included. |
Proofing | Not included. | Included. |
In-App Video Recording | Not included. | Included. |
See why teams choose ClickUp over Notion.
Scale productivity and get more done by bringing your docs, tasks, and workflows into one place

Join 2 Million Highly Productive Teams
team editing
Create Docs & wikis with your team.
Collaborate on Docs, tasks, and more—all in one place. See who's editing in real-time, tag your teammates, and assign comments as action items to keep work moving.

Add style & functionality.
Bring your Docs to life with rich text formatting. Add colors, widgets, workflows, and more to create the perfect document for any need.

Keep your work organized.
Easily import documents from other tools and organize them with nested pages. Add searchable tags, favorites, and filters so you always find what you're looking for.

doc relationships
Bring everything into one place.
Connect related work from anywhere in ClickUp with Relationships. Jump between linked documents, tasks, and high-level views to perform quick updates without ever leaving your doc.

Every tool to power your productivity.
Plan and organize any project with all-in-one task management. Collaborate on work with your team, fast-track communication, and automatically track progress toward your goals.